Critical thinking

Communication is the key…or something

After completing the first semester of my bridging course at UNSW, I found myself feeling much more able to communicate a measured and considered *argument.

In the course, we did a section on critical thinking complete with a cheesy, poorly acted 90’s instructional video.
I have found that thinking about the process of critical thinking helped me with my communication skills. However, I do still feel as if I have a long way to go.

I’ve always been one of those people who frequently has a lot of thoughts and ideas, but finds it incredibly difficult to sufficiently communicate those thoughts and idea, and as a result worries constantly about being misunderstood, especially over the internet.

Whether or not what’s going on in my head is ever profound or even relevant, is another story.
I don’t think we are a rare breed by any means and I assume a lot of people have similar problems with their communication skills.

Communication is an essential part of our evolution, and the internet (and other technology) has been a blessing and a curse.
On one hand, it’s incredibly easy to be misunderstood over the internet because humans have evolved to rely not just on communication via words, but tone of voice, body language and even eye contact. The internet does away with all of this, and leaves us with words alone. In my opinion, no amount of emoticons or “LOLs” can properly compensate for the complete communication package that is speaking to someone in person.

On the other hand, you can now visually communicate with people on the other side of the world in real time; a relatively recent technology. Holy shit balls, amazing.

When communicating online, I do still find it very hard to use words alone to explain exactly what I mean. I adore the thinking time, but I get nervous about everything else.

If only the issues stopped there. Sometimes I also feel that have problems communicating in person; fumbling for words and constructing several different conflicting arguments at once. I often have conflicting views, and I always wish to communicate both sides of these views, because I don’t want to be one-sided. This can be difficult and confusing when it comes to *arguments.

These aren’t unique problems, I’m sure. And I’m by no mean looking for any solution. I am resolute to the fact we all find communication difficult at times. I can only hope that more study and outlets such as this blog will in time, help me to improve my skills.

Communication is never easy. (How do I finish this blog post even?)


*by argument I mean “a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.” I don’t mean a heated exchange.